16th Monokoto Market took place in Sumida City after 3 years on 15 October, when thousands of people participated and enjoyed the event.
Monokoto-ichi Executive Committee holds the Monokoto Market every year in Sumida Park, Sumida City, Tokyo. But, the committee couldn’t hold the Monokoto Market for 3 years because of the pandemic. Finally, after 3 years, the committee held the 16th Sumida River Monokoto Market on October 15, 2022, while the pandemic situation is better than the previous years.
It’s the largest handicraft market in eastern Tokyo. Volunteers who love handicraft goods run the market.
Birds Souvenirs
The committee had organized the previous market in 2019 before the world Pandemic started. The market took place again after 3 years, while Tokyo’s pandemic situation is better than before.
It’s the biggest market I’ve ever seen in Sumida City. The shops spread Ujishima Shrine to Mizumachi. People of all ages participated and enjoyed the market.
Moreover, it seemed to me that Monokoto Market was a festival, not a market. I enjoyed it too.
According to the Monokoto official website, more than 160 shops participated this time. Every shop is unique.
Handmade goods
Some of the handmade goods are trendy among the local people. Most of the time, these shops were crowded.
Mask Stall
At the same time, some kinds of Japanese dolls are famous to foreign tourists. I saw some international tourists buying dolls.
Candy souvenirs
On the other hand, a few shops I saw displayed western-style household goods. So, the artisans are not only making local Japanese goods but also foreign-style goods.
There’s a stage for Kaguraden Stage Musicians at Ujijima Shrine, which added extra attraction to the 16th Sumida River Monokoto Market more festive.
Tourists enjoyed the music surrounding the stage. We, the Sumida Community Ambassador members, also enjoyed the performances.
On the other hand, stallers could enjoy the music from their stalls without leaving their booths.
people enjoying festival
Some great musicians and singers attended and performed for audiences. Asuka Aoya and Yoichiro Yanagihara made people laugh and sometimes dove into emotions.
Food Stalls:
As usual, food vans were in front of Mizumachi. Light snacks and soft drinks like coffee, tea, and juice were available.
visitors at stalls
Of course, a few shops, restaurants, bakeries, and bars are located under the Tobu Railway Line. So, visitors can buy anything they like.
Besides, nearby the vans, volunteers held a program for children where they could learn how to make things by hand.
Final words:
Sumida River Monokoto Market is undoubtedly one of the best to see every year. It has deep connections with history and culture.
If you’re local or a foreigner, it’s one of the best festivals and markets to enjoy local handicraft goods in Tokyo.
(Note: Sumida Community Ambassadors 2nd tour took place on October 15, 2022, and it’s one of the posts of the 2nd tour)